The biggest cause of tool and equipment malfunction is negligence and/or improper operating techniques. The benefits of training your workers on proper tool operating include improved tool and equipment longevity, developing your workers’ skills, and producing better quality work overall. Here’s who we’re hoping to see in our training room, what we’ll be training on, and how to book your seat for the next skills development workshop:
Our Need-A-Tool skills development workshops are aimed at employed or contracted workers currently operating in a trade industry. These are designed to add critical knowledge to a worker’s already comprehensive list of skills, with easy-to-understand theoretical and practical tool operating workshops.
We’ll be adding to this list over time, but here’s what our skills development workshops are currently training on:
Our training facility can accommodate up to 10 people comfortably, so seats are limited for each skills development workshop. Book your seat today by contacting Need-A-Tool here.
Book Your Seat Here